In „Voices of Lodz (2)“ werden von einem scheinbar universellen Metronom getaktet akustische Ampelsignale, lärmende Webstühle und musikalische Rhythmen verdichet und in überraschende Übereinstimmung geführt.
Drei Sequenzen dieses Klangbildes entstanden 2017 während meiner Spaziergängen durch das Lodzer Stadtgebiet. „The sound of looms“ archiviert das Dröhnen und Hämmern alter Webstühle aus Lodz. „Dancing lesson for seniors“ gibt eine Tanzstunde im Freien mit Frauen und Männern wieder, die die vibrierenden Webstühle der nun historischen Lodzer Textilfabriken möglicherweise noch gehört und im Körper selbst gespürt hatten. „Strolling from the most modern rail station of Europe via one of the longest european shopping malls to the longest fountain of Europe“ gibt die Geräusche in einem Sommerspaziergang, der quer durch das Zentrum des modernen, respektive modernisierten Lodz verlaufen ist, nachvollziehbar wieder und stellt titelgebend Superlativen städtischer Lodzer Werbeprospekte dem Alltagsleben der StadtbewohnerInnen gegenüber. Das Basismaterial zu „Voices of Lodz“ bildet ein Auszug der Interviewreihe mit BewohnerInnen der Stadt Lodz „What would you do if you had a boat?“, aufgenommen 2009 in der „Galeria 87 Urzędu Miasta Łodzi“ im Rahmen der Intervention zu „Tondokumente zum Lodscher Boot“.
„Voices of Lodz (2)“, Soundscape Komposition | Lodsch, Wien 2017
10:19 min | Stereo
Die vier Sequenzen zu „Voices of Lodz“
„What would you do if you had a boat?“
Łódź, Galeria Urzedu Miasta Lodzi / 15:40 min / 2009
„The sound of looms“
Łódź, Centralne Muzeum Wlókiennictwa w Lodzi / 9:30 min / 2017
„Dancing lesson for seniors“
Łódź, Garden of Poleski Osrodek Sztuki / 3:30 min / 2017
„Strolling from the most modern rail station of Europe via one of the longest european shopping malls to the longest fountain of Europe“
Łódź, Łódź Fabryczna, Ulica Piotrkowska, Manufaktura Rynek / 15:00 min / 2017
Übersetzungen der Statements ins Englische
„If I had a lifeboat, no, if I had a boat, I’d rebuilt it into a lifeboat and save some people by taking them some place far away, to a deserted island.“
„I was thinking that in my life there was an episode connected with a boat. It was in a period, when I was a young man, wondering about my future. And at some point came this incident with a boat. A boat that was supposed to be such… It was, of course, more of a dream, especially in those times, that could not really come true, but there it was. It was about, that this boat was to be such a… A ship, that was to be a place, where I could live. It was such an oasis of my freedom, a place, where, thanks to which I could move around, get to know other cultures, other people, and at the same time return to my asylum, to this asylum of freedom, to this ship. I don’t know, I guess that’s all, I mean I could add something still, but what? So that’s all that could maybe have anything to do with my life on that ship.“
„If I had a boat, I’d cook a huge, delicious soup in it and I’d feed with It all the fish swimming around. And then I’d catch them, and make soup out of them. Basically, I’d be cool to have a boat-shaped car, that’d float around this sad town.“